Edição Atual

v. 17 n. 12 (2024): EDITION JUNE 30, 2024. RAM
This Magazine's mission is to disseminate technical-scientific works that contribute to the generation of knowledge in the multidisciplinary area. The Academic Magazine Mundo - RAM, a publication in the Multidisciplinary area. RAM, in its editorial line, works with an agenda dedicated to issues related to the Multidisciplinary area. Published semi-annually, and may be quarterly or monthly, depending on the demand of Researchers. RAM constitutes a technical publication with national and international circulation. With its digital version, it has international circulation via the Internet. On this website, readers will find all the issues of the magazine and a modern information retrieval system by subject and author that will greatly facilitate their research work. The target audience is mainly made up of researchers, teachers and undergraduate and postgraduate students in the multidisciplinary area and related areas.  


Publicado: 2024-07-09
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